Scientific Sessions

Track 1

Nutrition and Food Science

    1. Food Preservation

The organisation that provides our bodies with energy is food and nutrition. Every day, we must add more nutrients from a sophisticated source to our bodies. A crucial component of nutrition is water. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are all necessary. Similar importance to the use of preservatives for optimum health is given to the preservation of essential vitamins and minerals. After recommending foods to consume, vitamins like Vitamin D, minerals like iron and calcium, and maybe dietary supplements are crucial to consider for pregnant women and those over 50

Track 2

Nutrition and Health

We believe that consuming a range of meals from each of the My Plate food groups while adopting a positive attitude about food is what constitutes healthy eating. This implies that we focus on the nutrients and healthfulness that food conveys rather than adhering to the newest trends. Our suggestions are based on scientific research that has demonstrated over many years the most beneficial method to construct a diet.

Track 3

Industrial Biotechnology in Food Industry

One of the most promising new strategies for pollution control, resource conservation, and cost cutting is industrial biotechnology. Recent improvements in the food business highlight the important role that food biotechnology plays. Genetically modified (GM) plants and animals are commonly used to improve food quality, flavour, and nutritional value. On the other hand, genetically modified yeast and bacteria are employed to create enzymes for the food sector. These genetically modified foods are created utilising biotechnological processes, especially genetic engineering. These methods can be used to feed the hungry in the third world, especially in Africa. In addition to advantages, there are also drawbacks.

Track 4

Food Science and Technology

In an effort to better understand food processes and eventually enhance food items for the general population, food science pulls from a variety of disciplines, including biology, chemical engineering, and biochemistry. Food scientists investigate the physical, microbiological, and chemical composition of food as key players in the industry. By putting their findings into practise, they created the wholesome goods and creative packaging that can be seen on supermarket shelves all over the world. The food you eat every day is the product of in-depth food research, a methodical inquiry of the characteristics and ingredients of a range of meals. After the first phases of research and development, food products are mass produced utilising food technology concepts. These dependable professions all provide support to the food business.

Track 5

Chemistry and Biochemistry of Nutrition

The act of giving the body the nutrients it needs to develop and operate is known as nutrition. Humans must consume all three macronutrients—carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids—because they are the primary sources of energy for physiological functions. \ A method of science that integrates disciplines is nutritional biochemistry. It focuses on the role of nutrients and other dietary ingredients and how they affect mammalian physiology, health, and behaviour. The major objective of nutritional biochemistry research is to establish the best dietary intakes for each nutrient and food component during the course of the life cycle.

Track 6

Recent Innovation in Food Chemistry

To supply affordable alimental food and food components for food formulations, several new, antiquated, and cutting-edge technologies are being created. Modern food chemistry technology is crucial in modifying the nutritional information related to consumer needs in food products. A variety of culinary processes and industrial techniques should be employed to create foods with high health prices without affecting their flavour, texture, or appearance. Today, certain effective steps in food recovery are taken to lower prices and generate new food products.

Track 7

Food microbiology

Food microbiology is the scientific study of the microorganisms that colonise, modify, process, or contaminate food, including pathogens that cause illness primarily if food is not properly roasted or held on, those used in the production of hard foods like cheese, yoghurt, bread, beer, and wine, as well as those with other beneficial functions like producing probiotics.

Track 8

Food Toxicology

The study of bioactive substances as they appear in food and their harmful consequences forms the basis of food toxicology. Food toxicology is a distinct area that assesses the impact of dietary constituents on the activities of hazardous substances, which may be endogenous natural chemicals, transmitted from contaminated organisms, or produced during the manufacture, processing, and preparation of food. As the food supply chain is becoming increasingly globally sourced, food toxicology is receiving more and more attention because any pollution or toxic manifestation might have serious negative health repercussions.

Track 9

Food Science Chemistry

Food science combines food microbiology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and nutrition; as a result, the application of data has grown to include food product and method development, food preservation and storage, and assurance of food safety and quality. How heat, water, acid, and base alter our food and Cosmetics Toxicology is a simple procedure.

Track 10

Food and drug analysis

Food Conferences' session explains how Food Forensics aids in the investigation of food, drink, and encouraging materials. In order to verify the consistency of starting or generation framework claims, stable iota setups are frequently used to confirm the "Environmental fingerprint" of a product. This environmental fingerprint may then be compared to a reference data of actual instances. It aids in the rational assurance of the source of food and drink, the detection of extortion or fraudulent goods, and ultimately leads to total protection. Food hypersensitivities: causes, cures, administration, FDA, nourishment naming pointers and implications are some of the topics covered by these food events. Other topics covered include food contaminants, food borne illness, food science and innovation training, nutrition ethics, food fixings, nutrition added substances, and community wellbeing.

Track 11

Food and Nutritional Toxicology

The focus of food and nutritional toxicology is on the ingredients and toxins found in food, including their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion as well as their role in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Additionally, it combines with the poisons found in food and food-related components. the poisons released by the food's packaging and associated components.

Track 12

Genetically Modified Organisms

Hereditarily modified foods, often known as genetically modified foods (GM foods), are foods that are produced by animals whose DNA has undergone alterations as a result of hereditary building processes. Unlike previous procedures, such as specific upbringing and change breeding, hereditary building tactics take into consideration the presentation of new attributes and in addition more prominent control over traits. Hereditarily modified foods were first commercially available in 1994, when Calgene began to market their unpopular Flavor Saver delayed-aged tomato. The majority of dietary modifications are mostly focused on trade commodities that have lost favour with ranchers, such as soybean, maize, canola, and cotton. Hereditarily altered harvests have been developed for better nutrient profiles and resistance to diseases and herbicides.

Track 13

Food Nanotechnology

Food nanotechnology is an area of growing interest that offers the food industry a vast array of new potential results. Nanotechnology involves the control of tiny materials with a size range of 1 to 100 nm. Engineered nanoparticles are able to infiltrate these goods readily based on their comparable characteristics because food and water are plainly composed of nanometer-sized particles. By carrying out comparable transportation tasks that are beneficial in practically every business, particularly those involving food goods, these particles can behave as a whole unit.

Track 14


The aim of nutrigenetics is to determine how genetic variation impacts nutritional response. Practical applications of this knowledge include illness prevention and health improvement. Nutrigenetics' ultimate goal is to provide individuals with customised nourishment depending on their genetic make-up. A branch of nutritional genomics called nutrigenomics investigates how dietary components affect gene expression. According to these sources, nutrigenomics is a branch of science that aims to understand how the genome interacts with nutrients and other dietary bioactives at the molecular level. The public, genetic subgroups, and individuals have a lot more access to better nutritional knowledge thanks to nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics.

Track 15

Diet in Obesity and Underweight

Being overweight is a known primary risk factor for metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and early mortality, hence obesity is a developing issue. Dietary variables may have a significant role in the development of obesity, even though the exact processes underlying this weight improvement are yet unclear. Diet consists of mixtures of meals, and each item may have interactions or synergistic effects that make it challenging to analyse dietary elements separately. In comparison to a single food or nutrient, dietary patterns that represent a mix of foods may be more strongly associated with illness risk. According to earlier research, eating habits high in fruits, vegetables, and fibre may be linked to a lower risk of obesity.

Track 16

Pediatrics Nutrition

The treatment of young children with chronic illnesses and medical disorders must include nutrition. A healthy immune system is supported by proper dietary assistance, which also avoids malnutrition and ensures optimal physical development. A licenced health practitioner with a specialty in the nutritional management of children and knowledge of their unique dietary needs is a paediatric registered dietician. Registered dieticians who are board certified in paediatrics work with medical teams at Children's Hospital to offer professional, scientifically supported dietary treatment for newborns, kids, and teenagers.

Track 17

Probiotic Nutrition

In our digestive tract, there are billions of helpful bacteria at work. The bacterial ecology of any individual may be as unique as a fingerprint. Beneficial bacteria aid in efficient nutrient absorption and food digestion. In a way, the bacteria absorb many of the nutrients in our meals that can't be digested by us alone. The majority of the probiotic bacteria found in today's commercial products belong to the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Any feeding technique that delivers some or all of a person's caloric needs through the gastrointestinal (GI) system is typically referred to as enteral nutrition. It might comprise a typical oral meal, the addition of liquids, or the use of a tube to provide some or all of the daily needs (tube feeding).

Track 18

Nutrition and Cancer

The area of research into how diet affects cancer treatment is fairly vast. As study continues, it is becoming more and more obvious that diet is a crucial factor in cancer. According to estimates from the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund, eating the right foods, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy weight can prevent 30–40% of all malignancies. For certain specific types of cancer, it is probably greater than this. The majority of research on nutrition and cancer has been reductionist, meaning that a specific food or nutrient has been examined in relation to its effects on tumour formation/regression or another end point of cancer at a specific region in the body.

Track 19

Clinical Nutrition

Over the past few decades, nutrition and nutritional care have attracted a lot of clinical and scientific attention. Rapid advancements in the design, development, and clinical use of nutritional support have been motivated by the growing understanding of metabolic abnormalities and nutritional evaluation in chronic and acute disorders. No patient receiving modern hospital care should not have enough energy or substrates. When other methods of nutrition are difficult or impossible, the parenteral route can be utilised effectively. Giving complete parenteral nourishment today can result in fully sufficient nutrition (TPN). It is possible to customise the regimen to meet specific demands. In the near term, we can make up for disruptions, and over the long run, we can keep the nutritional balance.

Track 20

Livestock Nutrition

One of the biggest and most significant sectors on the globe is the livestock industry. Its ultimate objective is to "manage production for ideal crops to maintain economic sustainability and to supply sufficient volumes to feed big populations" due to the millions of farms and billions of animals that exist across the planet. Large animal group health is directly correlated with a farming operation's operational stability and overall financial success. Each livestock operation has distinctive qualities that result in different nutritional needs for the animals. Because of this, it is crucial to assess the components of livestock feed in order to comprehend the nutritional impact they will have on various species of animals.

Track 21

Sports nutrition

Sports nutrition is concerned with the carefully thought-out meal regimens given to athletes. The food we consume and the fluids we drink provide the energy needed for living and physical activity. All of the macronutrients are necessary for athletes' nutrition and energy needs. Sports nutrition is used to help competitive athletes and active persons reach their objectives. Examples of distinct objectives include increasing lean mass, enhancing athletic prowess, and improving body composition. Different dietary strategies are required for these sport-specific circumstances. The correct meal type, calorie intake, nutritional timing, hydration, and supplements are essential and unique to each person, according to research findings. To maintain good health and fitness, correct workouts, physical activity, and diet should all be combined with daily healthy behaviours.

Track 22

Plant nutrition and Nutraceuticals

Humans cannot replace plants as a source of nourishment. Many medications, textiles, and colours made from plants can be replaced with synthetic chemicals and petroleum derivatives; wood can be replaced with metal, brick, and concrete; but there is no equivalent for meals made from plants. Plants or animals that consume plants make up the majority of human nourishment. The typical calorie intake of most humans is only modestly influenced by saprophytic fungus. The first people collected wild animals. High-yielding cultivars are used by contemporary societies, allowing them more control over food supply. Over 90% of the globe has a reliable and adequate source of food, however food shortages and hunger still pose dangers in some regions.

Track 23

Food Additives

Food additives are compounds that are added to food to preserve flavour or to promote its taste and appearance. Some additional ingredients have been used for a long time to preserve food, such as pickling (with vinegar), salting, as with bacon, preserving sweets, or using sulphur dioxide as with wines. Many more additional compounds, with both common and industrial origins, have been introduced since handled foods first appeared in the second half of the 20th century.

Track 24

Chemical Composition of Food

Food chemistry is the branch of science that examines the chemical make-up and characteristics of food as well as the chemical alterations that result from both natural and artificial processing methods. Food composition data (FCD) are comprehensive collections of information on the essential elements found in dietary. They provide high value for energy and nutrients including protein, carbs, fat, vitamins, and minerals, as well as for important food components like fibre. The information is provided in databases of food composition (FCDBs). In any quantitative research of human nutrition or in the nutritional therapy of sickness, understanding the chemical makeup of food is the first crucial factor.

Track 25

Organic and Natural Foods

Natural domesticated animals bred for food purposes—meat, eggs, and dairy products—have access to the outdoors and are provided bear in nature. They are not permitted to include any agreed-upon anti-microbials, growth hormones, or being by-products. Food that is organic has gained a lot of popularity. Exploring the maze of names, benefits, and claims related to natural nutrition may be confusing. Does consuming natural food genuinely help your mental and physical health? Do GMOs and pesticides together contribute to the spread of many diseases? What do each of the markings on the page mean? This manual can assist you in coming to more relaxed decisions on buying natural products, including what to consider and how to make eating natural more moderate.

Track 26

Food Industry and Health Hazards

The complex network of farmers and other organisations that collectively provide a significant portion of the food consumed by the entire population is known as the food industry. The food industry has significantly expanded in recent years, with production shifting from small, traditional, family-run operations that take their job seriously to enormous, capital-intensive, and highly automated contemporary processes. Indeed, despite modern technologies and safety measures, workers in the food processing and manufacturing industries continue to face a variety of health risks. Accident and sickness rates in the food service industry are comparable to those in other sectors that are typically regarded as having dangerous workplaces.

Track 27

Food- Drug Interaction

A chemical that alters a drug's activity is referred to as a drug interaction. As a result, the effects of the drugs may be intensified, diminished, or generate a brand-new impact. These connections arise when the interactions between your meals and medications are inhibited. Medication effects may accidentally be decreased or increased as a result of diet and drug interactions.

Track 28

Food engineering

Food engineering is a scientific, academic, and professional area that analyses and applies engineering, science, and math concepts to the production, handling, storage, conservation, control, packaging, and distribution of food items.

Track 29

Food Analysis and Quality Control

Food Examination is the process concerned with developing, using, and analysing revealing procedures to depict the properties of substances and their components. Food items are investigated for a variety of factors, such as compliance with legal and name requirements, evaluation of item quality, confirmation of nutritive respect, area of contamination, and creative work. Food investigation examines the physical, synthetic, microbiological, and tactile components of food and drink and is a crucial component of item improvement, administrative consistency, and value authorization.

Track 30

Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics

The connection between human genes and diet is the focus of the areas of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics. The term "science of the influence of genetic variation on food response" refers to nutrigenetics. Nutrigenomics.

The goal of nutrigenetics is to understand how genetic variation impacts how the body responds to nutrition. This evidence can help prevent illnesses and improve health. The ultimate goal of nutrigenetics is to provide individuals with customised nourishment based on their genetic make-up. Studies on the influences of dietary ingredients on gene expression are a part of nutrigenomics. This implies that nutrigenomics is the study of the molecular mechanisms through which nutrients and other dietary bioactives interact with the genome.

Track 31

Obesity and Heart disease

Everybody needs a goal and motivating factors to help them reach that objective. Your cardiovascular system can benefit from weight loss even if it's only a few pounds. Simply put, being obese means having too much bodily fat. Water, fat, protein, carbohydrates, and a number of vitamins and minerals make up your body. Heart disease and stroke risk are both increased by obesity. But it damages more than only the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Additionally, it's a big contributor to respiratory issues, osteoarthritis, and gallstones.

Track 32

Pediatric and Maternal Nutrition

Early in life, proper nutrition is highly crucial. Kids and adults in the household have distinct nutritional needs. They require a balanced diet, not only items heavy in calories, as they become older. Lack of nourishment, particularly during crucial growth times, leads to inappropriate development or sickness, such as anaemia from iron shortage or scurvy from vitamin C insufficiency. For better or worse, nutrition plays a significant impact in a child's growth. In order for children to develop properly and attain their full potential, good nutrition is essential.

Track 33

Obesity and Weight Management

Depending on your age, degree of physical activity, and whether you're attempting to gain, lose, or maintain weight, you should eat the recommended number of calories each day. Meals high in fat promote fat storage and obesity; fat oxidation and metabolism are not reliant on meal fat level. One of the elements of metabolic syndrome, a collection of risk factors that raises a person's risk for diabetes and chronic illnesses, is obesity. The epidemiology of obesity by age, race, and region is covered in this session, along with information on the direct expenses related to obesity.

Track 34

Nutrition in Cancer Care

A known etiological factor is diet. Molecular, biochemical, dietary, and chemical irritations all play a part in the intricate process of cancer. In most illnesses, the interaction of nutrition, environment, and genetic predisposition is crucial. These carcinogens may be induced or inhibited by dietary components. Dietary variables have a significant but complex impact in health. These factors may include an excessive intake of calories, a high intake of saturated fat and protein, as well as a poor intake of dietary fibre and micronutrients. It has been demonstrated that caloric (i.e. energy) restriction will slow the growth of tumours that are either naturally occurring or are caused by an experiment.

Track 35

Food and Beverages

The firms that engage in food production, packaging, and distribution are collectively referred to as the food and beverage industry. This covers both packaged and fresh cooked dishes, as well as alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks.

Track 36


Specialized plant fibres are called prebiotics. They encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in the stomach by acting like fertilisers. Many fruits and vegetables, especially those with complex carbohydrates like fibre and resistant starch, are rich in prebiotics.

Track 37

Food Packaging

Food packaging is a type of packaging system that is particularly made for food and is one of the most crucial steps in the production of food since it protects the product from chemical, biological, and physical changes. The primary objective of food packaging is to offer a useful method of transporting and safeguarding food products at an affordable price while satisfying the requirements and expectations of both customers and industry. Additionally, modern trends like sustainability, minimizing environmental effect, and extending shelf life have steadily risen to the top of the list of crucial considerations when creating a packaging system.

Track 38

Food Supply chain Management

The goal of food supply chain performance management is to guarantee the integrity, safety, and quality of food from farm to table. There are now benchmarks against which all food safety regulations may be evaluated.

Track 39

Post Harvest Technology

Post-harvest technology is an interdisciplinary "Science and Technique" used to protect, conserve, process, package, distribute, market, and use agricultural produce after it has been harvested in order to fulfil human needs for food and nourishment.

Track 40

Food Chemistry

The study of chemical reactions and interactions between all biological and non-biological components of food is known as food chemistry. As examples of biological substances, consider foods like beef, chicken, lettuce, beer, and milk. In terms of its primary constituents, such as carbs, lipids, and protein, it is comparable to biochemistry; however, it also encompasses elements like water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, food additives, tastes, and colours. This field also studies how goods change as a result of specific food processing methods and how to either improve or prevent these changes from occurring.

Track 41

Food and Dairy Technology

Engineering's dairy technology area handles the processing of milk and its byproducts. Studying dairy technology encompasses the bacteriology, nutrition, and biochemistry sciences as well as the processing, storing, packing, distribution, and transportation of dairy products.
